Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Times Are changing

I'm sure some of what happens in this video represents the new reality. Funny!!

John DiTomasso

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing my classmates a Happy Thanksgiving,

Recall and Renewal

We all know this year has been a year of unparalleled social isolation. All the more reason this  Thanksgiving, in our autumn years, to be grateful for the opportunity our September reunion provided to recall memories and renew the friendships of when we were young. In so many ways, we live today in a different universe, yet for me, and I imagine all of us, participating in the reunion made the memories of 60 years ago seem as alive as yesterday. That is a blessing I will reflect on tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, and for many days to come.

Bernie Casey

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Big Decision

This is a picture taken before the Thanksgiving Day game between Saints and Tolman.  

Our Reggie Macamaux on the left, Reggie's sister who was a cheerleader for Tolman in the middle, and Lou Godinho from Tolman.  The reporter got wind of this and posted it before the Thanksgiving day Game 1960 in the Pawtucket Times. Reggie's sister was supposed to be making a decision about who she really would root for - her brother's school or her own school.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Another book I've read

It is "The Great War and The Death of God  By Charles O'Connor. (forgot his middle initial) For those of us who have served our country and beyond.  Kept me spellbound and brought back some memories. You can get a better idea of the book from Chuck.  I thought it was a great read even though it was very deep.  Kept me riveted until finished and brought back an incident I had. 



Monday, November 2, 2020

Directory info

Does anyone have a better email address for Frank Mooney than the one in the directory ?
I've sent an email to that address and it comes back "invalid recipient ".

Mike McCarthy
Sent from my iPad