
Friday, October 30, 2020
Philbin moved into our neighborhood on Arch Street probably in sixth or seventh grade. He was from a large family. I had a crush on his younger sister Doris and I took over his older brother Terry's paper route. Gerry and I were never tight but we got along well. I don't remember if he ever played pick-up football games with us in the Memorial Hospital yard but we had so many of them that I think he must have. In any event, strong though he was, I don't remember thinking of him as being that big or being destined for athletic greatness. So I'd like to get the impressions of you guys who actually played against him in high school — Paul, Reggie, Tom, Bill, Chuck, others on the team. I believe he was All State as a senior, maybe before, right? Was he thought then to be as fearsome a player as his later career proved him to be? Has anyone stayed in touch with him?
Picture from Facebook Group
Our 50th Reunion
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Say a prayer for the soul of Bob Sweeney
Robert Taupier sent an email indicating we had left Bob Sweeney off the necrology list. Deepest apologies for that. Bob passed away in 2013; he is now included in the corrected necrology list. When the necrology video is redone Bob will be included.
Say a prayer for Bob Sweeney, and take a look at the redesigned necrology tab.
Tom McCabe
Monday, October 26, 2020
SRA '60
In necrology, it's "Ronald Fitzgerald ", not "Roland".
And because she heard that Bill Farley had had a heart attack, my bride of 55 years, the former Jessica Farrell, had her own moderate heart attack 5 days after our reunion. She got two stents at Miriam Hospital and begins cardiac rehab tomorrow.
I failed to mention that we have 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren. The two oldest kids are lawyers here in RI and the youngest is a stand-up comedian in Los Angeles. ( if you've seen the latest Progressive Ins. Ad with Flo and two others judging a hand competition, he's the male judge at the right end of the table.)
Mike McCarthy
Ps to Jim Doan, the swim coach's name was something like Nick Rosario AND I also got a letter that year for swimming..........ok ok, it was a "minor" one but it still spelled "R"
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Blog - from Louis Roy
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Get the new AOL app:
Friday, October 16, 2020
Jim Doane
Monday, October 12, 2020
Hi Tom,
What can I say the reunion was a great success. Enjoyed it completely. Have been in touch with several of our classmates since then. Enjoying comments on some of our teachers. Mostly Sam Pino. Sent Bill Farley a copy of the All Valley Team. We talked for about ½ hour and communicated via email a couple more times. Good to hear he is doing well after his surgery.
I understand there is another meeting coming up Friday the 16th-1pm I will try to put it on my schedule here unless Annette has plans I don't know about yet. This time of the year I am usually in the woods by 3pm for the Archery Season for the elusive Whitetail deer. I Know! They are cute, but they are very good eating. Annette doesn't think so but I do; so does my son and his partner. They live in Newton, MA about 15 miles outside of Boston Center.
My son works for State Street Financial and Manages the Foreign Investments Dept. His partner James is a Professor at Boston College.
Hope all is well with you and yours. Oh! My Zoom program crashed, but was able to get it set up again.
(Just a few min ago)
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Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Thomas McCabe Jr
Friday, October 2, 2020
Next Meeting Discussion
Here's how to post via email
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Purpose of this blog
I hope my classmates visit and write here. I am trying to make this as user friendly as possible. It's not right yet, but I have a beginning.
There will be pages about our 60th reunion, Zoom videos, links to St Rays web page, stories, poems, and current St Rays events, and more.